👤by Matthew Hodgson Comments 📅11-03-19
With DRAM, the speed and timings are all that really matters unless you’re after big heatspreaders or huge overclocking potential, at which point you’d be better off going for something a little more up-market with some true overclocking potential. We’ve omitted an overclocking page from this review because we couldn’t get anything extra from this RAM at all, even trying at 1.45v.

Stock performance, however, using the XMP settings at 3000MHz with CAS timings provided results incredibly similar to the Corsair Vengeance LPX, featuring comparable timings. Showing that XPG haven’t dropped the ball at all here and are keeping up with, arguably, one of the best selling kits on the market.

Appearance considered, we found the contrasting style looked brilliant, with the silver, wing-shaped heat spreaders and black plastic toppers. Having said that, we’d have placed the warranty stickers on the other side so they’re less visible in a typical system. Don’t forget, XPG also offer the same sticks with a red plastic topper, if that will suit your build better.

With the falling price of DDR4, the market is currently volatile, but with plans to introduce DDR5 soon, prices may rise once again; bearing that in mind, it’s currently very difficult to recommend any RAM based on price.

The XPG GAMMIX D30 looks great, performs about on par with kits of a similar price and is currently very reasonably priced.

+ Look fantastic
+ Decent performance
+ Sensibly priced
+ Available in black or red

- Wouldn’t overclock at all
- Warranty sticker is on the wrong side

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