Warcraft III: Reforged Releases On January 28th 2020

👤by Tim Harmer Comments 📅17.12.2019 22:40:44

Blizzard fans eagerly awaiting the latest fix of real-time strategy gaming now officially only have six more weeks to wait before they can get their hands on Warcraft III: Reforged. A remaster of the original Warcraft III, the game includes higher fidelity textures and unit models for the entire 60-mission single-player campaign that is Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne. Experience again, or for the first time, the fall of Arthas, Prince of Lordaeron, the Burning Legion's invasion, and the Orcish exodus to Kalimdor.

Warcraft III: Reforged was the major new game announcement that came out of Blizzcon 2018, and Blizzard immediately placed it up for pre-order on their store with the guarantee of beta access to the game's multiplayer component. At the time a release date of late 2019 was advertised, but with the end of the year closing in the writing was on the wall. The game will instead release on January 28th 2020 worldwide at 3pm PDT (11pm GMT).

In addition to its remastered single-player content Warcraft III: Reforged also updates the multiplayer aspects with updated social and matchmaking features, balance changes, and a lobby that gives access to 1st and 3rd party user-created gameplay modes.

A standard edition is also available for $29.99, granting immediate multiplayer beta access prior to the game's release. Those who opt for the $39.99 'Spoils of War' edition will net a number of in-game perks for other Blizzard titles:

Warcraft III: Reforged

- Champion of the Horde Thrall Hero Skin
- Daughter of the Seas Proudmoore Hero Skin
- Fallen King Arthas Hero Skin
- Emerald Nightmare Cenarius Hero Skin

World of Warcraft

- Meat Wagon Mount


- Player Icons: Human, Orc, Undead, Night Elf, and Lich King
- Animated Sprays: Footman, Grunt, Ghoul, and Archer

Diablo III

- Mal’ganis pet

Heroes of the Storm

- Anub’arak, Jaina, Thrall and Tyrande Heroes

StarCraft II

- Alliance, Horde, Sentinels and Scourge Console Skin

StarCraft: Remastered

- Spoils of War Console

Currently Warcraft III: Reforged is only available digitally through the Battle.net App and Blizzard Store.

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