Silicon Power UD90 Review

👤by David Mitchelson Comments 📅22-08-22

The UD90 is touted as a value-friendly option for those wanting a slice of the PCIe 4x4 action. Against drives which cost more, this drive still manages to hold its own and offer similar performance as you will have seen on the previous pages. The Samsung 980 Pro and Silicon Power’s own XS70 are the only drives using the same interface as UD90 and the results are quite remarkable in terms of throughput and IOPS.

Those with one of the latest AMD or Intel motherboards will have PCIe 4.0 at their fingertips, and investing in a drive like UD90 will allow users to tap into the amazing performance on offer.

UD90 is available to buy in a variety of capacities from 250GB-2TB. Our 1TB model is priced at $90 USD | $180 AUD. For this price and the included 5-year warranty we regard this as an excellent value for money option.

Silicon Power’s UD90 does not shy away from offering exceptional performance for its price point and we highly recommend it.

+ Offers up great performance
+ No compatibility issues due to size/design
+ Great value for money
+ 5 Years Warranty

- None apparent

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