Pick Up Postal & Postal 2 On GOG Free, Right Now

👤by Tim Harmer Comments 📅17.12.2019 21:39:59

If you're in need of a spot of free retro gaming this holiday period, but not necessarily a game that reflects the holiday spirit, GOG has you covered. Postal: Classic and Uncut, a classic of 1997 vintage, is now available to download for free from the digital distributor as part of a promotion for the latest franchise instalment - Postal 4: No Regerts (yes, that spelling is intentional).

That's not all. For a short time Postal 2 and its first two expansions are also free, although you'll need to jump few a few hoops to claim it. While logged into your GOG account on their homepage scroll down to their giveaway banner and click on 'Get It FREE'; just be aware that the giveaway runs out at 1pm GMT on December 18th (tomorrow).

Meanwhile, Postal 4 arrived as an Early Access title in October, and is available for £12.39 (20% off).

The Postal franchise (named for an alleged predisposition towards psychotic breaks among US postal workers AKA 'going postal') is unashamedly violent and deliberately courted controversy through mature themes, both in its top-down isometric and first-person incarnations. It was a frequent target of government criticism and demands for videogame censorship in the late 1990's, leading to a notoriety that perhaps oversold the games influence on the industry. While the boundaries of acceptability have moved in the past 20 years Postal has retained a mystique rivalled by only a few contemporary games.


GOG's Winter Sale is also ongoing, offering discounts as deep as 95% on a wide selection of new and classic titles which are usually DRM free and come with a 30 moneyback guarantee. Triple-A and Indie titles are covered, from diverse genres that will suit any taste. A full list of discounted titles is available here.

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