iStorage Disk Ashur Pro2 SSD Review

👤by Matthew Hodgson Comments 📅13-03-19
If you’ve made it this far through the review, you’ve either skipped the first 11 pages or you’re genuinely interested in what we have to say about the Disk Ashur Pro2 SSD.

First off, the build quality, as we found with the HDD model, is rock-solid. It feels bomb-proof. The lovely metal front and back and rubber surround not only look fantastic but feature a tamper-evident design that will make attempts to gain access immediately noticeable. Also, due to the nature of an SSD, the data inside will be much more capable of taking a few knocks and bangs without an issue; iStorage unfortunately provide any actual data on drop protection, however.

Secondly, again, thanks to that SSD, the performance of the drive is set free, beating the manufacturer-quoted speeds, in both read and write, in more than one benchmark. We saw the drive getting close to the Samsung T5 and the HyperX Savage EXO, both USB 3.1 Gen.2 SSDs without any kind of encryption or data protection. The SSD Pro2 also wipes the floor with the HDD model, so if speed is also a key factor, as well as data security, this model is definitely your best bet.

Now, for the price. The 1TB model tested today costs £589, which is a massive sum of money for a simple 1TB USB drive, however, you aren’t buying a 1TB drive, you’re paying for years of experience and single-minded dedication to protecting data. The epoxy-coated pin keys, the sturdy enclosure, the NCSC CPA, FIPS 140-2 Level 3, NLNCSA BSPA and NATO certified encryption, the rapid access speeds; everything adds up to increasing the cost, but if you’re transporting data that, if leaked, could result in tremendous fines or even a termination of a contract, the initial outlay of £589 doesn’t seem so bad. You’re paying for the intellectual property, in terms of the data security, not the physical device.

Secure and dependable data storage in a beautifully well-designed chassis with all the certification you could ever need.

+ The utmost security
+ Solid build quality
+ Included USB cable
+ Enclosure looks great
+ Easy to use with comprehensive instructions
+ Much faster than the HDD model

- Incredibly costly (the value arrives in the security)

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