With the HyperX Predator kit already running at 3200MHz, we felt like we needed to reach at least 3500MHz to warrant the term overclock, anything less than that would be too insignificant.
We began by pushing the clock speed to 3400MHz and ran our tests, they went without a hitch at the standard XMP latencies and voltage.
Same again at 3500MHz, with no problems on the XMP latencies and voltage.
We then tried for 3600MHz but found some instability. We pushed the latencies up a touch, to counter the increase in speed and found we had reached stability and noticed an increase in Cinebench results as well as AIDA64 tests.
Below are our results with the timings required.
We began by pushing the clock speed to 3400MHz and ran our tests, they went without a hitch at the standard XMP latencies and voltage.
Same again at 3500MHz, with no problems on the XMP latencies and voltage.
We then tried for 3600MHz but found some instability. We pushed the latencies up a touch, to counter the increase in speed and found we had reached stability and noticed an increase in Cinebench results as well as AIDA64 tests.
Below are our results with the timings required.