Deepcool Gamer Storm MF120 RGB Review

👤by Matthew Hodgson Comments 📅07-08-18

Product on Review: Deepcool Gamer Storm MF120
Manufacturer: Deepcool
Street Price: GBP 119.99 / USD 109.98

We often look at fans from varying manufacturers here at Vortez; they all tend to follow a similar style, with an enclosure around the outside, a cross shaped structure in the centre to hold the hub and a physical connection to the host PC. Today we look at something very different.

Deepcool have developed an RGB fan that’s like nothing we’ve seen before. They’ve entirely foregone the frame and typical PWM connection, instead using a central hub as the frame for the entire fan and communicating to your smartphone via a supplied WiFi hub.

Due to the unique frame and blade design, Deepcool reckon their fan offers better unrestricted airflow and therefore cooling performance. Let’s bolt this to our Corsair chassis and see how it performs.

Deepcool on the Gamer Storm MF120:
MF120 is a PC case fan capable of powerful heat dissipation. Its unique frame-less design together with its double-layered positive pressure fans can deliver maximum airflow with zero hindrance. MF120 is also a smart fan and its controller can be wirelessly connected via WIFI to a user’s mobile terminal to control fan speed and lighting effects. The MF120 is the first PC case fan to adopt a seamless aluminum processing technique in its manufacturing process which enhances air intake performance

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