👤by Matthew Hodgson Comments 📅24-01-20
With the RGB craze showing absolutely no sign of slowing down, the likes of CORSAIR will do well with something like the LS100 kit, which on the whole provides some beautiful and vibrant lighting, backed up by their excellent iCUE software, but it’s not perfect, yet.

In terms of illuminating the wall behind your monitor, the LS100 does a fantastic job, better than both the Razer and NZXT kits we’ve tried, by a considerable margin. The white translucent tubes definitely help to distribute the lighting in a more uniform, enjoyable fashion with no noticeable hotspots at all, enabling beautifully smooth transitions in colour that are bright and vibrant. However, when using the media-mode, where the outer edge of the screen is portrayed onto the wall behind, the lighting often felt washed out and lacking any kind of punch. This could probably be fixed with some software updates though.

Installation, as far as we’re concerned, was really easy to do with CORSAIR providing a cracking instruction video and some decent mounting hardware, but the lack of strength within the magnets lets the system down at the final hurdle. That’s definitely something CORSAIR need to take back to the drawing board and refine for the version 2, if such a thing comes about.

CORSAIR’s got plenty of experience with LED strips but nothing along these lines yet, as a first effort, it’s a cracking stab at it that can provide you with some beautiful lighting effects at your battlestation.

+ Bright, vivid, brilliantly dispersed lighting
+ Easy to install
+ iCUE software adds plenty of presets and is easy to configure
+ Better and

- Mounting hardware needs beefing up

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