Gaming GPU supplies from the major manufacturers continue to be constrained in the UK amidst world-wide demand from both Gamers and Cryptocurrency miners, prompting many retailers to limit graphics card sales to a few per order (at most). Today UK etailer CCL Computers have updated their sales guidelines by imposing a one graphics card to customer limit, stretching out their supplies to more discrete component purchases while also retaining stock for their comprehensive range of custom systems.
The change follows on from earlier measures to limit purchases to two per customer which were clearly insufficient in maintaining adequate stock levels.
Note that this change will also apply retroactively to outstanding GPU orders, so you will want to update any you have pending.
The official statement from company representative Elliot Carver is as follows:
Due to the current high demand on Graphics Cards and stock shortages we have made the decision to further limit the purchases from 2 cards to 1 per customer. This is to ensure that we have enough cards to satisfy everybody including customers purchasing our custom built CCL Computers.
We will be checking all GPU orders and cancelling any that try to circumvent this limit.
We will be checking all GPU orders and cancelling any that try to circumvent this limit.